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Russian grammar - Reflexive possessive pronouns in the prepositional case

Reflexive possessive pronouns in the prepositional case

If the subject and owner of object are the same, you should use the reflexive form of possessive pronouns.

This is the equivalent of the English: 'my own', 'his own' etc.

The reflective possessive pronouns in the prepositional case correspond to the gender and number of object noun:

своём (masc. singular), своей (fem. singular), своём (neu. singular), своих (plural, all genders)

Я думаю о своём кролике.
I am thinking about my (own) rabbit.

кролик is masculine so о своём кролике

Он говорит о своей рыбе.
He is talking about his (own) fish.

рыба is feminine so о своей рыбе

Она говорит о его рыбе тоже.
She is talking about his (other male person's) fish too.

Not using the reflexive form implies someone else's fish.

Он говорит о её рыбе.
He is talking about her (other female person's) fish.

Not using the reflexive form implies someone else's fish.

Ты думаешь о своей лошади?
Are you (informal) thinking about your horse?

лошадь is feminine so о своей лошади

Мы думаем о своей птице.
We are thinking about our bird.

птица is feminine so о своей птице

Почему вы думаете о своей утке?
Why are you (formal) thinking about your duck?

утка is feminine so о своей утке

Он в своей машине.
He is in his (own) car.

машина is feminine so в своей машинe

Он в его машине.
He is in his (some other male person's) car.

Not using the reflexive form implies someone else's car.

Кошка в своей кровати.
The cat is in its (own) bed.

кровать is masculine so в своей кровати

Собака тоже в её кровати.
The dog is also in her bed.

Not using the reflexive form implies someone else's bed.

Они дома.
They are at home.

No need to add своих because дома implies it's their own home.