Russian grammar - More accusative movement prepositions |
We have already seen the propositions в and из which denote movement when paired with the appropriate case. There are many more motion-related prepositions that take the accusative. Here are several of the most common: • на - (move) onto • за - (move) behind • под - (move) under • сквозь - (move) through, (move) past • через - (move) across, through |
Examples: | |
Он шёл на вершину.
He was going to the top/summit.
Кошка идёт под стол.
The cat goes under the table.
Собака идёт за коробку.
The dog goes behind the box.
Они идут через дверь.
They are going through the door.
Я шла через лес.
I (female) was going through a forest.
Мы идём под мост.
We are going under the bridge.
Он пошёл сквозь толпу.
He walked (passed) through the crowd.
Вы идёте через туннель?
Are you (formal) going through the tunnel?
Сквозь окно я вижу реку.
Through the window I see the river.
Саша пошёл под зонтик.
Sacha went under the umbrella.
Телёнок идёт за своей матерью.
The calf is going behind its (own) mother.
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