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Russian grammar - It's time - пора

It's time - пора

The word пора means 'time' and is frequently used to mean 'it's time'.

пора is a feminine noun.

A couple of fixed expressions using пора in its genitive plural пор:

с тех пор means 'since then'

с каких пор? means 'since when?'

с давних пор means 'for a long time'

до сих пор means 'so far' or 'still'

Ему пора будет уходить на пенсию.
It will be time for him to retire.
К сожалению, нам пора идти.
Unfortunately, it is time for us to go.
Что с ним стало с тех пор?
What has become of him since then?
Пора вставать!
It's time to get up!
Мне уже снова пора идти в школу.
It's already time for me to go to school again.
Не пора ли?
Isn't it time?
С каких пор вы интересуетесь дзюдо?
Since when have you (formal) been interested in judo?
Я не говорил с Сусанной с тех пор.
I (male) haven't spoken to Susan since then.
Я видел её в прошлом году, но с тех пор не разговаривал с ней.
I (male) saw her last year, but I haven't spoken to her since.
Мне пора домой.
It is time for me to go home.
С тех пор много воды утекло.
Since then, a lot of water has flowed away.

meaning 'water under the bridge'.

И зажили они с тех пор счастливо.
And since then, they have lived happily.

meaning 'And they lived happily ever after.'

Прошла уже неделя с тех пор, как я вернулся.
It's a week now since I (male) came back.
Я старый друг Артёма с давних пор.
I (am) have been Artyom's friend for a long time.

Артём is a common Russian male name.

Всё шло хорошо до сих пор.
All has been going well thus far.
До сих пор мы не знаем, почему это произошло.
Still, we don't know why it happened.