Russian grammar - Comparisons using the Genitive |
Previously we used чем to make comparisons. But using the genitive is another way to do it. The pattern is: 'subject' + 'short form comparative adjective' + 'object in the genitive'. Here the genitive gives the sense of 'than'. Note that this pattern uses the predicative (short) form of the comparative adjective. |
Examples: | |
Москва больше Киева.
Moscow is bigger than Kyiv.
Я старше Анны.
I am older than Anna.
Мой брат старше твоей сестры
My brother is older than your (informal) sister.
Моя сестра моложе твоих братьев.
My sister is younger than your (informal) brothers.
Слон больше мыши.
The elephant is bigger than the mouse.
Городская библиотека старее школы.
The city library is older than the school.
Лето жарче весны.
Summer is hotter than spring.
Мои лилии красивее этих роз.
My lilies are more beautiful than these roses.
Иван Петрович говорит по-английски лучше меня.
Ivan Petrovich speaks English better than me.
Этот пирог вкуснее того.
This tart is tastier than that (one).
Твой кот выше моей собаки.
Your (informal) cat is taller than my dog.
Поезд из Москвы во Владимир быстрее самолета.
The train from Moscow to Vladimir is faster than a plane.
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