Bootstrap Russian Grammar

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Russian grammar - Asking and answering questions

Asking and answering questions

Russian uses both a raising intonation and word order to formulate questions.

And answer using да (yes) and нет (no).

Ольга русская?
Is Olga Russian (female)?

русская (feminine adjective) means 'Russian'

No dash is required when a noun is used in combination with an adjective.

Да, Ольга русская.
Yes, Olga is Russian (female).

да means 'yes' - the opposite of нет.

Это не Иван?
Isn't that Ivan?
Нет, это не Иван.
No, it's not Ivan.

нет means 'no' - the opposite of да.

Он не русский?
Is he not Russian (male)?
Нет, он русский.
No, he is Russian (male).

Note the negative response to a negative question.

Где Таня?
Where is Tanya?

где means 'where'.

Таня там?
Is Tanya there?
Нет, она не там. Она здесь.
No, she is not there. She is here.
Где вы?
Where are you (plural)?
Это собака?
Is that a dog?
Да, это собака.
Yes, that is a dog.
Почему ты не здесь?
Why aren't you (informal) here?

почему means 'why'.