Bootstrap Korean Grammar

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Korean grammar - To have to be/do, must, to need to - 아/어야 해요

To have to be/do, must, to need to - 아/어야 해요

Pattern: Verb stem + /어야 해요

The Verb ending /어야 해요 is used to express requirement - to have to, must or to need to do something.

It is common colloquially to use 돼요 in place of 해요 especially in informal 반말 (banmal).

형은 세차해야 해요.
(My) older brother needs to do a carwash.
식당은 늘 청결해야 해요.
Restaurants must be always clean.

means 'always' or 'forever'

청결하다 means 'to be clean'

모든 학생은 학교에서 마스크를 착용해야 했어요.
All students had to wear a mask at school.

착용하다 means 'to put on' or 'to wear'

공부해야 돼요.
(I) must study.

돼요 is very commonly used in place of 해요.

먹고 싶으면 요리를 해야 해요.
If (you) want to eat, (you) have to cook.
남편은 회사에 일하러 가야 돼요.
(My) husband has to go to work at the company.

돼요 is very commonly used in place of 해요.

누나는 병원에 가야 되었어요.
(My) (male's) older sister had to go to the hospital.

되다 is very commonly used in place of 하다.

저는 주말에 운전 연습해야 될 거예요.
On the weekend I will need to practice driving.

되다 is very commonly used in place of 하다.

외출 후에 손을 씻어야 해요.
(You) should wash your hands after going out.

외출 means 'outing' or 'going out(side)'

식전에 약을 복용해야 해요.
(You) must take the medicine before meals.
신발을 벗어야 해요.
(I) have to take off (my) shoes.
빨리 가야 돼요.
(You) have to go quickly.

돼요 is very commonly used in place of 해요.

아이가 감기에 안 걸리려면 따뜻한 옷을 입어야 해요.
(Your) child needs to wear warm clothes to avoid catching a cold.
그는 다음 주부터 시험이 있어서 준비해야 해요.
He has an exam next week so (he) must prepare.
그녀는 시력이 안 좋아서 안경을 써야 돼요.
She has poor eyesight and has to wear glasses.
내일 시험이 있어요. 그래서 공부해야 돼요.
(I) have an exam tomorrow. So (I) have to study.
여자 친구 생일이라서 선물을 사야 돼요.
It's (my) girlfriend's birthday, so (I) have to buy a present.
오늘 너무 피곤해요. 집에서 쉬어야 돼요.
(I) am so tired today. (I) need to rest at home.
한국어 연습으로 매일 일기를 써야 해요.
(I) have to write a diary every day to practice Korean.
흐른 날에도 썬크림을 발라야 해요.
(You) should apply sunscreen even on cloudy days.

흐리다 means 'to be cloudy' or 'to be dull' or 'to be unclear'

메일 어휘를 복습해야 해요.
Everyday (I) need to review vocabulary.

복습하다 means 'to review' or 'to revise'