Bootstrap Korean Grammar

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Korean grammar - May, to be allowed to, ok to - 아/어도 되다

May, to be allowed to, ok to - 아/어도 되다

Pattern: Verb stem + /어도 되다

The Verb ending /어도 되다 expresses permission or consent.

Lack of permission or to be forbidden can be expressed by simply prefacing the verb with .

It can also be used to ask a question using either the positive or negative construction.

In place of 되다 the verbs 좋다 (to be good) and 괜찮다 (to be ok) are also common used.

신발 벗어도 돼요.
It is ok to take off shoes.
집에 들어와도 돼요.
It is ok to come into the house.
텔레비전 켜도 돼요.
It will be ok to turn on the TV.
레스토랑에 와인 가져가도 됐어요.
It was ok to bring wine to the restaurant.
화장실 사용해도 돼요?
May (I) use the restroom?
강의실에서 질문해도 돼요?
May (I) ask a question in the lecture room?
안 돼요!
(You) can’t!
여기서 노래해도 돼요?
Is it ok to sing here?
전시장에서 사진 찍어도 됐어요.
It was ok to take a picture at the exhibit.
제가 일찍 가도 돼요?
Can I go early?
제가 일찍 안 가도 돼요?
Can't I leave early?
내일까지 다 안 해도 돼요.
(You) don’t have to do it all before tomorrow.
지금 문을 열어도 괜찮아요.
It's okay to open the door now.
얼룩말에게 먹이를 줘도 괜찮아요?
Is it okay to feed the zebras?
내일 해도 돼요.
It’s okay if (you) do it tomorrow.
네, 써도 돼요.
Yes, (you)can use that.
밤에 전화해도 괜찮아요?
Is it OK to call (you) at night?
어제까지는 놀아도 됐었어요.
Until yesterday, (I) was allowed to muck around.
돈 좀 빌려도 돼요?
Would it be all right if (I) borrowed some money?
먼저 먹어도 돼요?
Would it be all right if (I) ate first?
이거 써도 돼요?
Would it be all right if (I) used this?
맛이 없으면 안 먹어도 돼요.
If it’s not tasty, it’s okay not to eat it.
지하철을 타도 돼요?
Is it alright to take the subway?
네, 지하철을 타도 돼요.
Yes, it is alright to take the subway.
안 해도 돼요.
(You) don’t have to do it. / It is okay if (you) don’t do it.
안 먹어도 돼요.
(You) don’t have to eat it. / It’s okay if (you) don’t eat it
여기 앉아도 될까요?
(I wonder if) Is it OK if (I) sit here?
창문 닫아도 될까요?
(I wonder if) Is it OK for (me) to close the window?
나중에 전화해도 될까요?
(I wonder if) Is it OK if (I) call (you)later?
내일 아침에 늦게 일어나도 돼요?
May (I) get up late tomorrow morning?