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Korean grammar - The Past Tense - 았/었어요

The Past Tense - 았/었어요

Pattern: Verb stem + 았어요/었어요

The past tense of a verb is formed by attaching either 았어요 or 었어요 to the Verb stem:

If the final vowel in the Verb stem is,, or we use 았어요.

If final vowel is one of the other vowels, we use 었어요.

If the final letter of the Verb stem is a vowel then we merge contiguous vowels:

-- So for example + 았어요 갔어요, + 았다 => 왔다, + 었어요 꼈어요.

If the Verb stem's final letter is then remove the and add 웠어요.

-- So for example 춥다 (to be cold) 추웠어요 (was cold).

시험을 못 봤어요.
(I) did not pass the exam.

보다 (final vowel is so 았어요) 봤어요

Final letter is a vowel so we merge contiguous vowels: + ( + )

시험 보다 means 'to take (see) an exam'

시험 보다 is a common idiomatic expression - especially given how preoccupied with education Koreans are.

미나가 스키를 탔어요.
Mina skied.

타다 (final vowel is so 았어요) 탔어요

Final letter is a vowel so we merge contiguous vowels: + ( + )

어머니는 가게에 갔어요.
(My) mother went to the store.

가다 (final vowel is so 았어요) 갔어요

Final letter is a vowel so we merge contiguous vowels: + ( + 았어요 갔어요)

그는 언제 왔어요?
When did he come?

오다 (final vowel is so 았어요) 왔어요

Final letter is a vowel so we merge contiguous vowels: + ( + 았어요 왔어요)

그녀는 한국어를 어떻게 배웠어요?
How did she learn Korean?

배우다 (final vowel is so 었어요) 배웠어요

Final letter is a vowel so we merge contiguous vowels: + (배우 + 었어요 배웠어요)

장갑을 꼈어요.
(I) put on gloves.

끼다 (final vowel is so 었어요) 꼈어요

Final letter is a vowel so we merge contiguous vowels: + ( + 었어요 꼈어요)

민준이는 불을 못 켰어요.
Minjun couldn't turn on the light.

켜다 (final vowel is so 었어요) 켰어요

Final letter is a vowel so we merge contiguous vowels: + ( + 었어요 켰어요)

어제는 날씨가 좋았어요.
Yesterday the weather was nice.

좋다 (final vowel is so 았어요) 좋았어요

우리는 공원에 앉았어요.
We sat in the park.

앉다 (final vowel is so 았어요) 앉았어요

케이크를 못 만들었어요.
I could not make cake.

만들다 (final vowel is so 었어요) 만들었어

친구가 죽었어요.
A friend died.

죽다 (final vowel is so 었어요) 죽었어요

소원은 밥을 못 먹었어요.
Suwon could not eat the rice.

먹다 (final vowel is so 었어요) 먹었어요

저는 책을 읽었어요.
I read (past tense) a book.

읽다 (final vowel is so 었어요) 읽었어요

경찰관은 달렸어요.
The policeman ran.

달리다 (final vowel is so 었어요) 달렸어요

Final letter is a vowel so we merge contiguous vowels: + (달리 + 었어요 달렸어요)

건물이 무너졌어요.
A building collapsed.

무너지다 (final vowel is so 었어요) 무너졌어요

Final letter is a vowel so we merge contiguous vowels: + (무너지 + 었어요 무너졌어요)

병이 깨졌어요.
A bottle is broken.

깨지다 (final vowel is so 었어요) 깨졌어요

Final letter is a vowel so we merge contiguous vowels: + (깨지 + 었어요 깨졌어요)

물이 차가웠어요.
The water was cold (to the touch).

차갑다 (final letter of the stem is ) 차가웠어요

차갑다 means 'to be cold to the touch'

지난겨울은 추웠어요.
Last winter was cold.

춥다 추웠어요 (final letter of the stem is )

가방은 무거웠어요.
The bag was heavy.

무겁다 무거웠어요 (final letter of the stem is )