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Korean grammar - Irregular past tenses

Irregular past tenses

There are four very common verbs that have irregular past tenses:

이다 (to be) 이었어요 or 였어요 following a vowel

하다 (to do) 했어요

되다 (to become) 됐어요

어떻다 (to be how, to be in what state) 어땠어요

These verbs do no merge vowels according to the rules laid out in the previous topic.

아버지는 경찰관이었어요.
(My) father was a policeman.

이다 (to be) 이었어요 (following a consonant)

형은 야구 선수였어요.
(My) older brother was a baseball player.

이다 (to be) 였어요 (following a vowel)

소방관은 친절했어요.
The fireman was kind.

하다 (to do) 했어요

할머니는 가난했어요.
(My) grandmother was poor.

하다 (to do) 했어요

진희는 직장을 못 구했어요.
Jinhee couldn’t find a job.

하다 (to do) 했어요

그녀는 작년에 학생이었어요.
Last year she was a student.

이다 (to be) 이었어요 (following a consonant)

Was (that) Mina?

이다 (to be) 였어요 (following a vowel)

민준이가 교수가 됐어요.
Minjun became a professor.

되다 (to become) 됐어요

오늘 어땠어요?
How are you today?

어떻다 (to be how) 어땠어요

오늘 어땠어요?
How are you today?

어떻다 (to be how) 어땠어요

오늘 하루 어땠어요?
How was your day?

어떻다 (to be how) 어땠어요

언제 그렇게 됐어요?
When did it (like that) happen?

되다 (to become) 됐어요

그렇게 means 'like that'

This is a set phrase in Korean that should be memorised.

여행이 취소됐어요.
The trip has been cancelled.

취소되다 (to be cancelled) 취소됐어요

취소되다 means 'to be cancelled' (to become cancelled)