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Korean grammar - Reported or Indirect speech - action verbs - ㄴ/는다고

Reported or Indirect speech - action verbs - ㄴ/는다고

Pattern: Action Verb stem + /는다고

Reported or indirect speech is when someone talks about or reports what was said or asked.

If what was said or asked related to an action verb the pattern is Verb stem + /는다고 is used.

Not only is it used with what was said (in which case 하다 or 말하다 is used) but also with 생각하다 (to think), 믿다 (to believe), 부르다 (to call, to be called), 약속하다 (to promise), 그렇다 (to declare, to state), 듣다 (to hear) and many others.

언제 온다고 했어요?
When did (they) say they are coming?
그 사람이 내일 온다고 해요.
That person said (they) will come tomorrow.
저는 그가 당신을 좋아했다고 말했어요.
I told (you) that he liked you.
저는 배고프지 않다고 했어요.
I said that I wasn't hungry.
그는 공부하지 않았다고 했어요.
He said that he didn’t study.
선생님은 학생들이 어제 늦게 도착했다고 말했어요.
The teacher said that yesterday the students arrived late.
선생님은 학생들이 항상 늦게 도착한다고 말했어요.
The teacher said that the students always arrive late.
선생님은 학생들이 오늘 오후 늦게 도착할 거라고 말했어요.
The teacher said that the students will arrive late this afternoon.
현금을 내일 준다고 약속했어요.
(I) promised to give you (the) cash tomorrow.

Reported speech with 약속하다 (to promise)

오빠가 이거를 안 한다고 그랬어요.
My (male's) older brother said/declared (he) wasn’t going to do this.

Reported speech with 그러다 (to say so)

그 사람이 내일 돈 가져온다고 말했어요.
That person said (he) would bring the money tomorrow.
선생님은 피아노를 잘 치려면 연습을 많이 해야 한다고 했어요.
(The) teacher said that if (you) want to play piano well, (you) have to practice a lot.
온라인 신청만 하면 된다고 했어요.
(They) told me to just apply online.
오늘 오후에 전화를 하겠다고 말했어요.
(I) said (I) was going to try to call this afternoon.
지금 집에 간다고 하세요.
Tell (him) that (you) are going home now.
비빔밥은 맛있다고 생각해요.
(I) think bibimbap is delicious.

Reported speech with 생각하다 (to think)

은이가 못 다닐 거라는 소문을 들었어요.
(I) heard a rumour that Euni won't be able to attend.

Reported speech with 소문을 듣다 (to hear a rumour)

그가 자기가 태권도를 잘 한다고 말했어요.
He said that (he) himself was good at Taekwondo.

자기 means 'oneself'

은전 씨가 내일 온다고 했어요.
Ms Eun-jeon said (she) is coming tomorrow.
지갑을 잃어버렸다고 들었는데, 찾았어요?
(I) heard he lost his wallet, did (he) find (it)?

Reported speech with 듣다 (to hear)

선생님은 학생들이 늦게 도착했다고 말했어요.
The teacher said the students arrived late.