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Korean grammar - Reported or Indirect speech - descriptive verbs - 다고

Reported or Indirect speech - descriptive verbs - 다고

Pattern: Descriptive Verb stem + 다고

Reported or indirect speech with descriptive verbs omits the / from the pattern leaving Verb stem + 다고.

Recall that the verbs 있다 and 없다 are considered descriptive verbs.

A past tense form can also be constructed by using the past base in place of the Verb stem.

이 영화는 재미있다고 들었어요.
(I) heard this movie is fun.
저는 그 여자가 별로 안 예쁘다고 생각해요.
I think that girl isn’t that pretty.
저는 학교에 갈 수 없다고 했어요.
I said I can’t go to school.
학생이 이해할 수 없다고 했어요.
The student said he can’t understand.
그는 다음 주 토요일에 여행할 수 있다고 했어요.
He said that he will be able to travel next Saturday.
제가 현금이 없다고 해서 우리는 현금 인출기에 갔어요.
I said that (I) don’t have cash, so we went to the ATM.

현금 인출기 means 'ATM' or 'cash machine'

아무데나 괜찮다고 했어요.
(I) said anywhere is fine.
매우 행복하다고 했어요.
(They) said (they) are very happy.
그는 김치가 맛있다고 했는데, 저는 그것이 너무 짜다고 생각해요.
He said the kimchi was delicious - I think it's too salty.
그는 형제가 없다고 말했어요.
He said that (he) does not have any older brothers.
그는 신발이 너무 작다고 말했어요.
He said that the shoes are too small.
의사가 수술을 할 수 있다고 말했어요.
The doctor said (he/she) can do the surgery.
저는 오늘 수영장에 갈 수 없다고 했어요.
I said (I) cannot go to the swimming pool today.
저는 남자친구에게 같이 하고 싶은 것이 있다고 했어요.
I told (my) boyfriend that there is something (I) want to do together.
제 노트북을 팔고 싶다고 했어요.
I said (I) want to sell my laptop.

싶다 (to want) is a descriptive verb 싶다고

일기 예보에서 내일 덥다고 보도했어요.
The weather forecast reported that it will be hot tomorrow.

일기 예보 means 'weather forecast'

보도하다 means 'to report'

민우 씨가 저에게 정말 아름답다고 했어요.
Ms Minwoo told me that I was really beautiful.
이 드라마가 너무 유명하다고 했어요.
(It is) said that this drama was very popular.

Or '(I heard that) that drama is very popular'

광일이는 다섯 살 때 키가 작았다고 했어요.
Gwangil said that (he) was short when (he) was five years old.

The past base 작았 in place of the verb stem