Korean grammar - Not sure who/what/where - ㄴ/은지 |
The ending ㄴ/은지 can be attached to any noun to mean the indefinite clause 'what something is'. This can then be used in both statements and questions. Also ㄴ/은지 can be used with interrogatives and the verb 이다 (to be) giving: • 누구인지 (who he/she is) which shortens to 누군지. • 무엇인지 (what it is) which shortens to 뭔지. • 어디인지 (where it is) which shortens to 어딘지. • 왜인지 (why it is, for what reason) which shortens to 왠지. |
Examples: | |
이게 뭔지 알아요?
Do (you) know what this is? 이게 is a contraction of 이것 + the subject marker 이 |
무슨 숫자인지 맞춰봐요.
Guess what the number is. 숫자 means 'number' or 'numeral' |
좋은지 잘 모르겠어요.
(I) am not sure whether it’s good / if it’s good |
무슨 말인지 알겠어요.
(I) understand what you’re saying. |
거기 어떻게 가는지 알아요.
(I) know how to get there. |
이거 먹는건지 모르겠네요.
(I) don't know it is edible. 먹는건지 is a more informal form of 먹을 수 있는 건지 (edible) |
무슨 일인지 모르겠어요.
(I) don't know what's going on. |
어딘지 모르겠어요.
(I) don't know where (it is). |
누군지 모르겠어 누군지 알아요.
(I) don't know who (you) are (I) know who (you) are |
그가 누군지 모르겠다.
(I) guess) (I) don't know who he is. |
저게 뭔지 알아요?
Do (you) know what is there? 저게 is a contraction of 저것이 |
그게 뭔지 몰라요.
(I) don't know what it is. |
이 사람이 누구인지 아세요?
Do (you) know who this person is? 누구인지 is the uncontracted form of 누군지 |
미경이가 누군지 몰라요.
(I) don't know who Mikyung is. |
왠지 알아요.
(I) don't know for what reason. or '(I) know why' |
왠지 모르겠어요.
(I) don't know why (for what reason). |
괜찮은지 안 괜찮은지 몰라요.
(I) don't know whether (it) is good or not good. |
아빠가 바쁜지 안 바쁜지 알아요?
Do (you) know whether Dad is busy or not busy? |
저 아가씨한테 시간 있는지 물어 보세요.
Ask that young woman whether she has time (or not). 아가씨 means 'young woman' |
이것이 스페인어인지, 프랑스인지 모르겠어요.
(I) don't know whether it is Spanish or French. |
냉장고 안에 먹을 것이 있는지 모르겠어요.
(I) don't know if there is anything to eat in(side) the refrigerator. |