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Korean grammar - Honorific markers, particles and verbs - 께서 & 께

Honorific markers, particles and verbs - 께서 & 께

In addition to the honorific verb particle, there are two special honorific markers that are used to show respect.

께서 (honorific subject marker) in place of /

(honorific dative particle) in place of 에게 (to someone)

Additionally there are many honorific verbs that should be used when showing respect to the person doing these verbs. A few are:

계시다 in place of 있다 (to be in a location, to exist, to have)

드시다 in place of 먹다 (to eat)

주무시다 in place of 자다 (to sleep)

말씀하다 in place of 말하다 (to speak)

And there is 드리다 (to give) in place of 주다 which is used when the speaker is giving/doing something to/for the respected person.

할아버지께 연락드릴 거예요.
(I) will contact (my) grandfather.

- honorific dative particle

어머님께 온 편지가 있어요.
There is a letter (came) for (my) mother.

- honorific dative particle

교수님께서 교실에 계세요.
The professor is in the classroom.

께서 - honorific subject marker

아버지께서 집에 계셔요.
Father is at home.

께서 - honorific subject marker

잘 주무셨어요?
Did (you) sleep well?

주무시다 in place of 자다 (to sleep)

아버지께서 지금 주무시고 있어요.
Father is sleeping now.

께서 - honorific subject marker

할아버지께서 여기에 계신지 몰랐어요.
(I) didn’t know you (grandpa) were here.

께서 - honorific subject marker

교수님께서 빨리하라고 말씀하셨어요.
The professor said to do it fast.

께서 - honorific subject marker

할아버지께 사과를 드렸어요.
(I) gave an apple to (my) grandfather.

- honorific dative particle

창문을 열어 드릴게요.
(I) will open the window for (you).

드리다 in place of 주다 (to give)

선생님께서 하시는 말씀을 잘 들었어요?
Did you listen (well/carefully) to what your teacher said?

께서 - honorific subject marker

부모님께서 은행에 가셨어요
My parents went to the bank.

께서 - honorific subject marker

할아버지께서 옛날에 베를린에서 사셨어요.
(My) grandfather lived in Berlin a long time ago.

께서 - honorific subject marker

할머니께서 집에 가셨어요.
(Our) grandmother went home.

께서 - honorific subject marker

선생님께서 저에게 사과를 주셨어요.
The teacher gave me an apple.

께서 - honorific subject marker

할머니, 맛있게 드세요.
Grandma, enjoy your meal.

드시다 in place of 먹다 (to eat)

할아버지께서는 지금 집에 안 계세요.
Grandfather is not at home right now.

께서 - honorific subject marker

Note the pairing of the honorific subject marker with the topic marker - there is no honorific topic marker

그 분께서는 선생님이세요.
That person is a teacher.

께서 - honorific subject marker

Note the pairing of the honorific subject marker with the topic marker - there is no honorific topic marker

제가 이따가 선생님께 드릴게요.
I will give (it) to teacher later.

- honorific dative particle

아버님께서는 비가 오고 있다고 말씀했어요.
(My) father said it was raining.

말씀하다 in place of 말하다 (to speak)

아버님 (honorific) means 'father'

어머님께서는 천천히 먹으라고 말씀했어요.
My mother told (me) to eat slowly.

말씀하다 in place of 말하다 (to speak)

어머님 (honorific) means 'mother'

할머니께서는 주무시고 계시다.
Grandma is sleeping.

주무시고 계시다 in place of 자고 있다