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Korean grammar - Expressing surprise - 군요

Expressing surprise - 군요

Pattern: Verb stem + 군요

The pattern Verb stem + 군요 is used to express surprise on discovering a fact (Oh! I didnt realize that).

In English we might say: 'I didnt realise at first but now I realise, so I am slightly surprised.'

The form used depends on the type of verb or whether it is used with a noun:

Action Verb stem + 는군요

Descriptive Verb stem + 군요

Past tense (action and descriptive): Verb stem + /었군요 (Past base + 군요)

Noun + ()군요. The is optional.

Recall that 있다 and 없다 are descriptive verbs so 있군요 and 없군요.

The informal form is 구나.

한국에 가는군요.
(I am surprised to hear that) (you) are going to Korea.

With the action verb 가다 (to go)

현재 사과는 매우 저렴하군요.
(I am surprised that) apples are very cheap at the moment.

With the descriptive verb 저렴하다 (to be cheap)

그 책을 너무 빨리 읽었군요.
(I am surprised that) (you) read that book so quickly.

Past tense of the verb 읽다 (to read)

이렇게 하는 거군요.
So this is how you do it!

With the action verb 하다 (to do)

벌써 11월이군요.
(I didn't realize before but) it's already November!

With the descriptive verb 이다 (to be)

(I didn't realise that) (he) is a student.

With the descriptive verb 이다 (to be)

(I didn't realize that) this is it.

With a noun

Ah I see! / (Ah. So it is like that.)

With the descriptive verb 그렇다 (to be thus, in that way

to be correct)

진짜 맛있군요.
(At the table) This is really tasty.

With the descriptive verb 맛있다 (to be tasty)

(Now I see that) (you) are impressed.

With the descriptive verb 감동하다 (to be impressed)

감동하다 means 'to be moved' or 'to be impressed'

결국 여기까지 왔군요.
Finally, (you) have come this far.

Past tense of the verb 오다 (to come)

그런 이유가 있었군요.
So that was the reason.

Past tense of the verb 있다 (to have/to exist)

제가 실수했군요.
So (now I realise that) I made a mistake.

Past tense of the verb 실수하다 (to make a mistake)

실수하다 means 'to make a mistake'

이 케이크 진짜 맛있군요.
(Actually) this cake is really delicious.

With the descriptive verb 맛있다 (to be tasty)

그 사람이 우리 선생님이군요.
(So) that person is our teacher.

With a noun

어! 눈이 참 많이 오는군요.
Oh! It's snowing a lot!

With the action verb 오다 (to come

to fall (in the case of precipitation)

아버지께서 김치를 좋아하시는군요.
(Your) father likes kimchi.

With the action verb 좋아하다 (to like)

With the honorific suffix

강아지가 정말 귀엽군요!
The puppy is so cute!

With the descriptive verb 귀엽다 (to be cute)

그래서 늦었구나.
(Now I can understand that is why) (you) are late.

Past tense of the verb 늦다 (to be late)

informal form 구나

집에 벌써 돌아왔구나.
(I) noticed (he) already came back home.

With the action verb 돌아오다 (to return, to come back)

informal form 구나

돈이 없겠구나.
(You) will (probably) not have money.

With future form 없겠 (will not have)

informal form 구나