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Korean grammar - And so, as a consequence - 았/었더니

And so, as a consequence - 았/었더니

Pattern: Action Verb stem + /었더니

The particle 더니 is attached to a verb past base form to explain that some action follows on from a previous action or due to a personal experience or something done in the past.

The pattern is only used with action verbs.

This pattern is typically only used in reference to the speaker (in the first person).

술을 많이 마셨더니 어지러워요.
(I) drank a lot, so (I) am dizzy.

어지럽다 means 'to feel dizzy' or 'to feel giddy'

제가 집에 그네를 매달았더니 아이들이 무척 좋아했어요.
I hung a swing in the house and the kids really liked (loved) it.

그네 means 'swing'

매달리다 means 'to hang'

무척 means 'extremely' or 'really'

가장 저렴한 걸 샀더니 품질이 영 마음에 안 들어요.
(I) bought the cheapest one and (I) am not happy with the quality.

저렴하다 means 'to be cheap'

품질 means 'quality'

취한 상태에서 필기했더니 무슨 글씨인지 못 알아보겠다.
(I) wrote while drunk, and so (I) couldn't figure out the writing (letters).

취하다 means 'to be drunk'

상태 means 'condition'

필기하다 means 'to write down' or 'to take a note'

글씨 means 'writing' or 'written letters'

일주일 내내 야근을 했더니 몸살이 났어요.
(I) working overtime all week and so (I) got sick.

내내 means 'throughout' or 'for the whole duration'

얼마 전에 커피를 마셨더니 잠이 안 와요.
(I) drank coffee a while ago and so (I) don’t feel sleepy.

얼마전에 means 'a while ago'

그녀는 약을 먹었더니 조금 나아지기 시작하고 있어요.
She took the medicine and so (she) is starting to feel a little better.
한국 영화를 꾸준히 봤더니 한국말이 더 유창해진 것 같아요.
(I) watched Korean movies and so (I) think (my) Korean has become more fluent.
파티에 남자 친구에게 같이 가자고 했더니 싫다고 하더라고요.
(I) asked my boyfriend to go to a party - (he) said no.
제가 웃었더니 진솔의 얼굴이 새빨개졌어요.
I laughed and (as a consequence) Jinsol's face turned bright red.
늦을 거라고 했더니 아버지가 화를 냈어요.
(I) said (I) would be late and so (my) father got angry.
어제 많이 먹었더니 오늘 배탈이 났어요.
(I) ate a lot yesterday and so today (I) got a stomach ache.

Using -더니 when referring to a third person

작년에 저는 열심히 공부했더니 성적이 너무 잘 나왔어요.
Last year, I studied hard and so (I) got very good grades.
아침 일찍 회사에 갔더니 아직 아무도 오지 않았어요.
(I) went to work early in the morning and (so I could see that) no one has come yet.
제가 맛있는 저녁을 샀더니 친구가 무척 좋아했어요.
I bought a (really) delicious dinner and so (my) friend really liked it.
시험 준비를 열심히 했더니 점수가 좋게 나왔어요.
(I) did my best to prepare for the exam and so got good grades.
값싼 옷을 샀더니 품질이 좋지 않았어요.
I bought cheap clothes and so the quality was not good.
제가 시험을 잘 봤더니 부모님이 기뻐하셨어요.
I did well on the exam and so my parents were happy.