French grammar - The two ways to know - savoir and connataire |
French has two common verbs - savoir and connaître - both of which can translate to 'to know' in English. However, they have distinctly different uses: • savoir means 'to know information' or 'to know how to do something' (know‐how). -- It is one of those verbs that can be followed immediately (without a preposition) by an infinite verb - 'to know how to do something'. The word comment ('how') is not required. -- Note however that in the passé composé (avoir su) means 'to have found out. • connaître means 'to know' in the sense of being personally familiar with or having experienced something oneself. -- It must always be followed by a noun - never a verb. |
Examples: | |
Je sais ton nom.
I know your (familiar) name.
Je sais les paroles de cette chanson.
I know the words of this song.
Tu sais où il habite ?
Do you (familiar) know where he lives? |
Savez-vous quand ils arrivent ?
Do you (formal) know when they arrive? |
Je ne sais pas pourquoi il a dit ça.
I don't know why he said that. |
Je sais danser.
I know how to dance. *OR* I can dance.
Il sait très bien parler français.
He knows how to speak French very well. *OR* He can speak French very well.
Ma fille ne sait pas encore nager.
My daughter doesn't know how to swim yet.
Tu sais qu'il vient ? Oui, je sais.
Do you (familiar) know he's coming? Yes I know. |
Le saviez-vous ?
Do you (formal) know that?
Je l'ai su hier.
I found out yesterday. |
Je connais cette chanson.
I know this song. |
Tu connais mon amie Sylvie ?
Do you (familiar) know my friend Sylvie? |
Est-ce que vous connaissez Paris ?
Do you (formal) know Paris?
Connaissez-vous l'actrice française Catherine Deneuve ?
Do you (formal) know the French actress Catherine Deneuve? |
Je la connais mais je ne l'ai jamais rencontrée.
I know her but I've never met her. |
Est-ce que vous connaissez Carcassonne ?
Do you (formal) know Carcassonne? |
Non, je ne la connais pas, mais j'ai entendu parler de cette ville.
No, I don't know it, but I've heard of this town.
Gabriel est un acteur connu de tout le monde.
Gabriel is an actor known to everyone.
Je connais bien les romans de Victor Hugo.
I know the novels of Victor Hugo well. |
Est-ce que tu sais qui c'est ?
Do you (familiar) know who it is? |
Oui je sais qui c'est, mais je ne le connais pas personnellement.
Yes I know who it is, but I don't know him personally. |
Est-ce que vous savez où se trouve la poste ?
Do you (formal) know where the post office is? |
Non, je ne sais pas où est la poste.
No, I don't know where the post office is. |
Je connais très bien cette ville.
I know this town very well. |
Oui, je sais que Berlin est la capitale de l'Allemagne mais je ne la connais pas.
Yes I know Berlin is the capital of Germany but I have not been there. |
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