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French grammar - The Negative Imperative

The Negative Imperative

For a negative imperative place nepas around the imperative verb.

For the negative imperative all pronouns should come before the imperative verb.

For the negative imperative the reflexive pronoun should NOT be the stressed form. And should come before the verb.

For a negative imperative with more than one pronoun the order is:

me, nous, vous then le, la, les then m', t', lui, leur then y, en

Ne bougez pas.
Do not move (formal).

Negative imperative - place ne…pas around the imperative verb.

Ne parlez à personne !
Don't tell (formal) anyone!
N'oublions rien !
Let's not forget anything!
N'oubliez pas de m'acheter des stylos.
Do not forget (formal) to buy some pens for me.
Ne touchez jamais à mon téléphone.
Don't ever touch (formal) my phone.
N'oubliez pas de prendre tous vos sacs avec vous.
Don't forget (formal) to take all your bags with you.
N'oublie jamais la personne qui t'aime.
Never forget (familiar) the person who loves you.
Ne leur parlons pas.
Let's not talk to them.

All pronouns before the verb in negative imperatives

Doucement. Ne le faites pas trop vite !
Gently. Don't do (formal) it too fast!
Ne le lui rends pas !
Don't give it back (familiar)!

More than one pronoun : direct before indirect pronouns

Ne les leur vendez pas !
Don't sell (formal) them!
Ne t'en va pas !
Do not go (familiar)!

More than one pronoun : adverbial pronoun (en or y) comes last

Ne m'en achète pas.
Don't buy (familiar) it from me.
N'y va pas sans moi.
Don't go (familiar) without me.
Ne t'inquiète pas.
Don't worry (familiar).

Reflexive pronoun should be the normal form (NOT the stressed form)

Ne te moque pas de moi !
Do not make fun (familiar) of me!
Ne vous asseyez pas encore.
Don't sit (formal) down yet.
Ne nous moquons pas d'Emmanuelle !
Let's not make fun of Emmanuelle!
Ne te lève pas. Tu sembles être malade.
Do not get up (familiar). You seem to be sick.