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French grammar - The future perfect - Le futur antérieur

The future perfect - Le futur antérieur

The le futur antérieur (the future perfect) is used to describe an action or event that will have been completed in the future - normally before some other future event or action.

The subsequent action is conjugated in le futur simple.

-- The English equivalent is 'will have happened'.

This tense may seem awkward for English speakers but keep in mind that it emphasizes a completed action in the future - something (le futur simple) will happen when something else (le futur antérieur) will have been completed.

The futur antérieur is formed with the futur simple of an auxiliary verb (avoir or être) plus a past participle.

The futur antérieur is often used after quand, lorsque, dès que, aussitôt que, tant que etc.

And it can also be used to express probability or supposition in the past.

-- This is the equivalent of 'must have' in English.

J'aurai mangé à midi.
I will have eaten by noon.

OR 'will have finished eating by noon'

Quand tu arriveras, il l'aura déjà fait.
When you (familiar) arrive, he will already have done it.
Nous sortirons dès qu'il aura ouvert la porte.
We will leave as soon as he opens the door.

OR 'as soon as he will have opened the door' - when the future action is completed

Je t'enverrai les photos que j'aurai prises pendant le voyage.
I will send you (familiar) the photos that I will take during the trip.

OR 'photos that I will have taken' - when the future action is completed

En quelques heures, nous aurons cueilli au moins cinq kilos de framboises.
In a couple of hours, we will have picked at least five kilos of raspberries.
Nous partirons dès qu'ils auront mangé.
We will leave as soon as they have eaten.

OR 'as soon as they have finshed eating' - when the future action is completed

Il me fera savoir aussitôt qu'il aura terminé la tâche.
He will let me know as soon as he has completed the task.

aussitôt que means 'as soon as'

Je travaillerai lorsque j'aurai fini mes études.
I will work when I (will) have finished my studies.
J'espère qu'Émilie aura réussi cette entrevue.
I hope that Émilie will succeed in this interview.

entrevue (f) means 'interview'

Dès que je t'aurai présenté Jacques, bien sûr tu l'adoreras.
As soon as I introduce you (familiar) to Jacques, you will adore him.
Elle révisera les documents que nous aurons préparés.
She will review the documents we prepare.

OR 'that we will have prepared' - - when the future preparing is completed

Ils auront eu leurs résultats avant midi.
They will have had their results before noon.
Je sortirai quand j'aurai retrouvé mes clés.
I'll go out when I have found my keys.

OR 'will have found my keys' - when the future finding succeeds

Après que tu auras vu tes cadeaux, tu pourras te plaindre.
After you (familiar) have seen your gifts, you can complain.
Je comprendrai mieux dès que je me serai aperçue de mes erreurs.
I will understand better as soon as I (female) realize my mistakes.

OR 'when I will have realized' - when the future realising is done

Pendant notre vie, nous aurons vécu au Canada et en France.
During our lifetime, we will have lived in Canada and France.

When we die the living will be complete

Elle excusera mon comportement une fois que je lui aurai offert des fleurs.
She'll excuse my behavior once I get her flowers.

une fois que means 'once' or 'as soon as'

Il aura fini le travail avant la fin de la journée.
He will have finished the work before the end of the day.
Je ne veux plus te parler tant que tu ne te seras pas excusée.
I don't want to talk to you again until you (female) have apologized.

tant que means 'until'

Vous pourrez voter aussitôt que vous vous serez inscrite.
You (formal, female) can vote as soon as you register.
Il sera arrivé quelque chose.
Something must have happened.

Expressing express probability or supposition

Il n'a pas téléphoné. Il aura perdu mon numéro de téléphone.
He didn't call. He must have lost my phone number.

Expressing express probability or supposition

Pierre n'est pas ici ; il aura oublié.
Pierre is not here; he must have forgotten.

Expressing express probability or supposition

Brigitte est heureuse ; elle sera tombée amoureuse.
Brigitte is happy; she must have falling in love.

Expressing express probability or supposition