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French grammar - Reflexive personal pronouns

Reflexive personal pronouns

Reflexive pronouns indicates that the subject of the verb is performing that action on itself.

-- In English the reflexive pronouns are 'myself', 'yourself' etc. and are used in the same way - for example 'I wash myself'.

The French reflexive pronouns are as follows:

je me : 'myself'

tu te : 'yourself' (familiar)

il, elle, on se : 'himself', 'herself', 'itself', 'oneself'

nous nous : 'ourselves'

vous vous : 'yourself '(formal), 'yourselves'

ils & elle se : 'themselves'

The pronouns me, te and se contract with an apostrophe when followed by a word that begins with a vowel or mute h.

Je me regarde dans le miroir.
I look at myself in the mirror.

miroir (m) means 'mirror'

Ils se voient souvent.
They see each other often.
Elles se parlent.
They (females) talk to each other.
Vous ​vous voyez.
You (formal) see yourself.
Je me demande.
I wonder. *OR* I ask myself.

This is how to say 'I wonder' in French.

Elle se lave.
She washes herself.

laver (verb) means 'to wash'

laver is an -ER verb

Nous ​nous parlons de la météo.
We talk to each other about the weather.
Mon père se rase chaque matin.
My dad shaves himself every morning.
L'enfant s'habille tout seul.
The child dresses him∆herself.
On s'amuse.
We are amusing ourselves. *OR* We are having fun.
Est-ce que vous ​vous lavez ?
Do you (formal) wash yourself?
Ils s'habillent dans la cabine d'essayage.
They are dressing (themselves) in the fitting room.

cabine d'essayage (f) means 'fitting room' or 'dressing room'

Pouvez-vous ​vous voir sur cette photo ?
Can you (formal) see yourself in this photo?
Non, je ne me vois pas sur la photo.
No, I don't see myself in the photo.
La mère et le fils se voient tous les week-ends.
The mother and son see each other every weekend.

week-end (m) means 'weekend'

tous les week-ends means 'every weekend'