Bootstrap French Grammar

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French grammar - Questions with nouns - repeating the subject

Questions with nouns - repeating the subject

We previous saw the questions in French can used the inverted-hyphenated pronoun-verb pattern.

When the subject of a question is a noun (and not just a pronoun) we can still use the inverted form but the subject needs to be repeated.

Such a question is formed by first stating the noun and then asking the question using the inverted-hyphenated form with the pronoun that matches the subject noun.

Pierre vient-il aujourd'hui ?
Is Pierre coming today?
Sophie vient-elle maintenant ?
Is Sophie coming now?
L'hôtel est-il dans le centre-ville ?
Is the hotel in the city center?
Gabriel a-t-il une copine ?
Does Gabriel have a girlfriend?

copine (f) means 'friend' or 'girlfriend' (when the genders are the opposite)

La porte est-elle encore fermée ?
Is the door still closed?
Quand Monique revient-elle ?
When is Monique coming back?

quand means 'when'

La fille est-elle étudiante ?
Is the girl a student?
Les Dupont vivent-ils à Londres ?
Do the Duponts live in London?

les Dupont here is 'the Duponts' or the Dupont family

Le médecin a-t-il une voiture rouge ?
Does the doctor have a red car?

médecin (m) means 'doctor'

Le chat est-il dans l'arbre ?
Is the cat in the tree?
Tante Margot revient-elle de l'hôpital aujourd'hui ?
Aunt Margot, is she coming back from the hospital today?
Sacha et Julia ne reviennent-ils pas ?
Sacha and Julia, aren't they coming back?
La patronne vient-elle de Paris ?
Does the boss (female) come from Paris?

patron (m) means 'boss' or 'owner of the business'

Louis vient-il avec Pierre ?
Is Louis coming with Pierre?