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French grammar - Irregular -IR verbs - Part IV

Irregular -IR verbs - Part IV

The final group of irregular -IR verb are completely or truly irregular - each conjugates in its own unique way.

This group includes voir ('to see') and avoir ('to have') which we already covered in earlier topics.

Other common verbs in the group include:

courir - 'to run' or 'to race'

recevoir - 'to receive' or 'to receive (guests or people in meetings)'

mourir - 'to die'

valoir - 'to be worth'

There are several more important verbs of this type - they will be discussed separately in coming topics.

Je cours au travail le matin.
I run to work in the morning.

courirje cours

courir (verb) means 'to run' or 'to race'

Pourquoi cours-tu partout ?
Why do you (familiar) run everywhere?

courirtu cours

Il court pour Peugeot.
He races for Peugeot.

couriril court

Nous sommes en retard - nous courons vers l'arrêt de bus.
We are late - we are running to the bus stop.

courirnous courons

Courez-vous régulièrement ?
Do you (formal) run regularly?

courirvous courez

régulièrement (adv) means 'regularly'

Les chevaux - ils courent très vite.
The horses - they run very fast.

couririls courent

Je reçois une pension du gouvernement.
I receive a pension from the government.

recevoirje reçois

recevoir (verb) means 'to receive' or 'to receive (guests or people in meetings)'

pension (f) means 'pension'

Recevez-vous maintenant du courrier à votre nouvelle adresse ?
Are you (formal) now receiving mail at your new address?

recevoirtu reçois

courrier (m) means 'mail'

Il reçoit souvent des lettres de la mairie.
He often receives letters from the town hall.

recevoiril reçoit

mairie (f) means 'town hall'

Dans cette partie du pays, nous recevons beaucoup de pluie au printemps.
In this part of the country we receive a lot of rain in spring.

recevoirnous recevons

pluie (f) means 'rain'

printemps (m) means 'spring'

En France, recevez-vous des contraventions par courrier ?
In France do you (formal) receive parking tickets by mail?

recevoirvous recevez

contravention (f) means 'parking ticket'

Ils reçoivent des invités dans la grande salle.
They receive guests in the grand hall.

recevoirils reçoivent

Je meurs de faim !
I'm starving! *OR* I am dying of hunger!

mourirje meurs

mourir (verb) means 'to die'

faim (f) means 'hunger'

Dans le nord, si tu ne t'habilles pas bien, tu meurs.
In the north, if you (familiar) don't dress well, you die.

mourirtu meurs

Elle meurt de soif.
She is dying of thirst.

mouriril meurt

soif (f) means 'thirst'

Nous mourons de froid !
We are dying of cold!

mourirnous mourons

Si vous ne mangez pas, vous mourez.
If you (formal) don't eat, you die.

mourirvous mourez

Les enfants meurent d'ennui.
The children are dying of boredom.

mouririls meurent

mourir de means 'to die of (something)'l ennui (m) means 'boredom' or 'problem'

Je meurs d'envie d'un café.
I'm dying for a coffee.

mourir d'envie de means 'to die to have (something)'

Je vaux un million d'euros.
I am worth one million euros.

valoirje vaux

valoir (verb) means 'to be worth'

million (m) means 'million'

Tu vaux mieux que ça.
You (familiar) are better than that.

valoirtu vaux

This is an expression

Ça vaut combien ?
How much is it worth?

valoiril vaut

combien means 'how much'

Cette voiture vaut très cher.
This car is worth a lot.
Ça vaut mieux.
It's better. *OR* That would be better.

mieux means 'better'

Il vaut mieux que je parte.
It is better that I leave.
Nous valons tous pareil.
We are all worth the same. /

Or 'We are all worth the same.' valoirnous valons

pareil (m) means 'the same'

The feminine of pareil is pareille)

Vous valez beaucoup pour notre entreprise.
You (formal) are worth a lot to our company.

valoirvous valez

entreprise (f) means 'company' or 'business'

Les timbres - ils valent plus ensemble.
The stamps - they are worth more together.

valoirils valent

ensemble means 'together'