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French grammar - Idiomatic expressions with

Idiomatic expressions with

There are several very common idiomatic expressions that use the verb avoir, the preposition de and an infinitive.

avoir l'air de means 'to seem to'

avoir peur de means 'to fear to'

avoir envie de means 'to feel like (doing)'

avoir besoin de means 'to have the need to'

avoir honte de means 'to be ashamed to'

avoir tort de means 'to be wrong to'

avoir raison de means 'to be right to'

Many of these expressions can also take a noun.

Tu as l'air d'être pressé.
You (familiar) seem to be in a hurry.

With a verb

Il a l'air d'un flic.
He looks like a cop.

With a noun

Ça a l'air difficile !
It looks difficult!

After dropping the de this can taike an adjective too

Tu as l'air super fatigué.
You (familiar) look super tired.

After dropping the de this can taike an adjective too

J'ai peur de tomber.
I'm afraid of falling.

With a verb

Elles ont peur des araignées.
They are afraid of spiders.

With a noun

Avez-vous peur du noir ?
Are you (formal) afraid of the dark?

With a noun

le noir means 'the dark'

J'ai vraiment envie d'aller aux toilettes !
I really want to go to the toilet!

With a verb

Nous avons envie de rester à la maison toute la journée.
We want to stay home all day.

With a verb

J'ai envie du chocolat que tu as acheté pour nous hier.
I crave the chocolate you (familiar) bought for us yesterday.

With a noun

N'avez-vous pas envie d'aller au cinéma ?
Don't you (formal) feel like going to the cinema?

With a verb

Je n'ai nullement envie de lui parler.
By no means do I want to talk to him.

With a verb

J'ai besoin de repos.
I need some rest.

With a noun

Avez-vous besoin d'aide ?
Do you (formal) need help?

With a noun

Il n'a pas besoin de signer le document.
He does not need to sign the document.

With a verb

Vous avez honte de continuer à fumer, n'est-ce pas ?
You (formal) are ashamed to keep smoking, aren't you?

With a verb

N'as-tu pas honte de tes étranges habitudes ?
Aren't you (familiar) ashamed of your strange habits?

With a noun

Leurs parents ont honte d'eux.
Their parents are ashamed of them.

With a noun

Tu as tort de lui dire ça.
You (familiar) are wrong to tell him that.

With a verb

Vous avez tort de vous sentir bouleversé.
You (formal) are wrong to feel upset.

With a verb

Ils ont eu tort de se comporter ainsi.
They were wrong to behave like this.

With a verb

se comporter (verb) means 'to behave'

ainsi means 'in this way' or 'in that way'

Tu as eu raison de lui dire la vérité.
You (familiar) were right to tell him the truth.

With a verb

Nous avons raison de nous plaindre.
We are right to complain.

With a verb

se plaindre (verb) means 'to complain'

Tu as tort et j'ai raison. Bien sûr.
You (familiar) are wrong and I am right. Of course.
