French grammar - Getting someone to do something |
A useful pattern when talking about getting or asking someone to do something is Used in this way some verbs can change their meanings. The following verbs have the following meanings when used in this way: • commander à - 'to order (someone) (to do something)' • conseiller à - 'to advise (someone) (to do something)' • défendre à - 'to forbid (someone) (from doing something)' • demander à - 'to ask (someone) (to do something)' • dire à - 'to tell (someone) (to do something)' • interdire à - 'to forbid (someone) (from doing something)' • ordonner à - 'to order (someone) (to do something)' • permettre à - 'to allow (someone) (to do something)' Of course often an indirect object pronoun (such as lui) is used so the à doesn't appear. |
Examples: | |
Elle commande à Jacques de faire le ménage.
She orders Jacques to clean up. |
Ses parents conseillent à leur fils d'aller à l'université.
His parents advise their son to go to university.
Je vous conseille de prendre le train via Avignon.
I advise you (formal) to take the train via Avignon.
Je dis à mon ami de faire attention.
I tell my friend to be careful. |
Sa mère lui défend de revoir cette femme.
His mother forbids him to see this woman again.
Je demande au serveur d'apporter un pichet de vin rouge.
I ask the waiter to bring a pitcher of red wine.
Le conducteur dit à ses passagers de mettre leur ceinture de sécurité.
The driver tells his passengers to put on their seat belts. |
La loi vous interdit de fumer à l'intérieur.
The law prohibits you (formal) from smoking inside. |
Le commandant ordonne aux soldats de le suivre.
The commander orders the soldiers to follow him. |
L'école permet aux élèves de se maquiller.
The school allows students to wear makeup. |
Que conseilles-tu à ta petite amie de dire à ses parents ?
What do you (familiar) advise (tell) your girlfriend to tell her parents? |
Qui conseille à Jacques de prendre ce médicament ?
Who is advising (telling) Jacques to take this medicine? |
Pourquoi ordonne-t-il toujours à son chien de s'asseoir ?
Why does he always order his dog to sit? |
Les règles interdisent aux pilotes de survoler le centre-ville.
The rules prohibit pilots from flying over the city center.
L'enseignant doit ordonner aux élèves de se calmer.
The teacher must order the students to calm down.
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