Bootstrap French Grammar

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French grammar - All of or every - tout as an adjective

All of or every - tout as an adjective

The word tout can be used as an adjective, adverb and a noun.

As an adjective the word tout means 'every one of' or 'all of' and should be followed by an article or possessive pronoun.

It should agree in gender and number.

tout - masculine singular

toute - feminine singular

tous - masculine plural

toutes - feminine plural

Tu connais tous ses amis.
You (familiar) know all his friends.
Nous avons noté toutes ces idées.
We noted all these ideas.
Il faut essayer de parler français tout le temps.
(You) have to try to speak French all the time.
Prendre tout son temps.
To take all one's time.
Leur chien aboie toute la journée.
Their dog barks all day.
J'apprends le français toute la journée.
I learn French all day.
Toute ma famille est très sportive.
My whole family is very athletic.
Il veut habiter à Paris toute sa vie.
He wants to live in Paris all his life.
Il n'arrive pas à finir tous ses devoirs.
He didn't manage to finish all his homework.
En tout cas, cela vaut la peine d'attendre.
In any case, it's worth the wait.

en tout cas means 'in any case'

valoir la peine (verb) means 'to be worth it'

Tous mes amis sont arrivés.
All my friends have arrived.
Vous pouvez apprendre à conduire à tout moment.
You (formal) can learn to drive at any time.
Ils ont rassemblé toutes ces fleurs.
They collected all these flowers.

rassembler (verb) means 'to collect' or 'to gather'

Tout citoyen a le droit de voter.
Every citizen has the right to vote.

citoyen (m) means 'citizen'