Russian grammar - When - the difference between когда & пока |
• когда for interrupted actions. -- it is common (but not always the case) that an imperfective verb is interrupted after когда with a perfective verb - 'was doing something -- Recall that когда can also just mean the question 'when?' • пока for two simultaneous actions - like 'while' - but performed by different people/objects. -- It is common (but not always the case) that пока connects two imperfective clause - 'was doing -- пока (or пока не) also means 'until'. In this case we typical see the pattern |
Examples: | |
Я не люблю, когда она одна в доме.
I don't like it when she is alone in the house.
Они ели, когда зазвонил телефон.
They were eating when the phone rang.
Мы гуляли в парке, когда пошёл дождь.
We were walking in the park when it started raining.
Когда я смотрю эту пьесу, я всегда плачу.
When I watch that play, I always cry.
Когда ты свободен?
When are you (informal) free? |
Я смотрел фильм, пока она готовила.
I (male) was watching the movie while she was cooking.
Почему они так громко кричали, пока я разговаривал по телефону?
Why were they shouting so loudly while I (male) was talking on the telephone?
Он плакал, когда говорил о своем прошлом.
He cried while he was speaking about his past.
Я читал книгу, пока гулял.
I (male)read a book as I walked.
Она ждала, пока её мать делала покупки.
She waited while her mother did the shopping.
Я шел, пока мои ноги не устали.
I (male) walked until my legs got tired. |
Я звонил и звонил, пока не ответили.
I (male) rang and rang until they answered.
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