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Korean grammar - Where. And here and there - 어디 & 여기, 거기 and 저기

Where. And here and there - 어디 & 여기, 거기 and 저기

어디 is used to ask the question 'where?'

And the words 여기, 거기 and 저기 communicate relative position.

여기 (here) for an object close to the speaker

거기 (there) far from the speaker but close to the listener

저기 (over there) far from both speaker or listener, or out of sight.

The location particles and 에서 can be attached as appropriate.

-- When 에서 is attached it is often abbreviated to just : So for example: 여기에서 여기서

-- And it is not uncommon to hear the location particles omitted completely.

열쇠는 어디에 있어요?
Where is the key?
열쇠가 여기에 있어요.
Here's the key.
거기에 우산 있어요?
Is there an umbrella over there?
아니요, 우산이 여기에 있어요.
No, the umbrella is here.
그들은 어디에 앉아요?
Where do they sit?
그들은 거기에 앉아요.
They sit there.
그는 어디에서 공부해요?
Where does he study?
도서관에서 공부해요.
(He) studies in the library.
거기에 사람 있어요?
Is anyone there?
아니요, 거기에는 사람이 없어요.
No, there are no people there.
기차역이 여기에 있어요?
Is the train station here?
아니요, 기차역이 저기에 있어요.
No, the train station is over there.
아버지는 어디에서 일해요?
Where does your father work?
아버지가 거기서 일해요?
Does your father work there?

Abbreviation 거기에서 거기서

아이는 거기에 혼자 서요.
The child stands there alone.