Korean grammar - Verb past bases |
The Verb stem can also be expressed in the past tense: this is called the Past Base. This is useful when we have two clauses - the first is past tense and second in some other tense and you want to connect them using a pattern that requires a verb stem (like Verb stem + 지만). To form the past base, simply drop 어요 from the past tense conjugation: -- For example: 보다 (to see) the past tense conjugation is 봤어요 - so drop 어요 to get the past base 봤. -- For example: 먹다 (to eat) the past tense conjugation is 먹었어요 - so drop 어요 to get the past base 먹었. |
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어제는 비가 왔지만 오늘은 맑아요.
It rained yesterday but today is sunny.
남자친구에게 세 번이나 전화를 했지만 받지 않았어요.
I called my boyfriend three times but he didn't answer the phone.
어제는 날씨가 맑았지만 오늘은 비가 와요.
Yesterday there was fine weather, but today it is raining.
그것을 배웠지만 기억이 나지 않아요.
(I) learned it but (I) can't remember it.
그녀를 사랑했지만 우리는 헤어졌어요.
Even though (I) loved her, we broke up.
눈이 왔지만 다 녹았어요.
It snowed, but it all melted.
밥을 먹었지만 배고파요.
Even though (I) ate (rice), (I) am hungry.
저 김치는 매웠지만 이 김치는 맵지 않다.
That kimchi was spicy, but this kimchi is not spicy.
지난주 소고기는 비쌌지만 지금은 싸요.
Last week beef was expensive, but now it's cheap.
오늘 아침은 먹고 싶었지만 지금은 배가 고프지 않아요.
I wanted to eat breakfast this morning, but I'm not hungry right now.
버스는 느렸지만 지금은 훨씬 빨라요.
The bus was slow but it is much faster now.
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