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Korean grammar - To want - 고 싶다

To want - 고 싶다

Pattern: Verb stem + 싶다

To express a want or desire to do something simply attached 싶다 to the verb stem.

Present tense: Verb stem + 싶어요

Past tense: Verb stem + 싶었어요

나는 그것을 먹고 싶어요.
I want to eat that (thing).

from 먹다 (to eat)

나는 영화를 보고 싶어요.
I want to see a movie.

from 보다 (to see)

저는 한국말을 배우고 싶어요.
I want to learn Korean.

배우 from 배우다 (to learn)

엄마랑 김밥을 먹고 싶어요.
(I) want to eat kimbab with mom.

from 먹다 (to eat)

김밥 is Korean sushi rolls ( is 'seaweed' and is 'cooked rice')

바닷가에서 걷고 싶어요.
(I) want to walk on the beach.

from 걷다 (to walk)

내 생일 파티에 당신을 초대하고 싶어요.
(I) want to invite you to my birthday party.

초대하 from 초대하다 (to invite)

새 삼성 휴대폰을 사고 싶었어요.
(I) wanted to buy a new Samsung phone.

from 사다 (to buy)

저는 배우가 되고 싶었어요.
I wanted to become an actor.

from 되다 (to become)

저는 여행하고 싶었어요.
I wanted to travel.

여행하 from 여행하다 (to travel)

밤에 산책을 안 하고 싶었어요.
(I) didn't want to go for a walk at night.

from 하다 (to do)

While negating the phrase in this way (using ) is possible, it sounds a bit awkwar. A better way to negate phrases is introduced in the next topic.

주말에 쉬고 싶었어요.
(I) wanted to rest on the weekend.

from 쉬다 (to rest)

한국 음식을 먹고 싶어요.
(I) wanted to eat Korean food.

from 먹다 (to eat)

전시회에 안 가고 싶었어요.
(I) didn't want to go to the exhibition.

from 가다 (to go)

While negating the phrase in this way (using ) is possible, it sounds a bit awkwar. A better way to negate phrases is introduced in the next topic.

지금 저는 저 수영장에 가고 싶어요.
Now I want to go to that pool over there.

from 가다 (to go)