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Korean grammar - To leave or to keep - 두다 & 놓다

To leave or to keep - 두다 & 놓다

The verbs 두다 & 놓다 both mean 'to put something down' or 'to place something'. Additionally 놓다 can mean 'to release' or 'to let go'.

They can also be attached to other verbs to express that some action remains in progress.

The equivalent in English is to say 'to leave' or 'to keep' something happening or in some state.

Indeed the two can be combined (놓아두다) to emphasise the sense of perpetuating an action or state.

-- Note that 놓아 is often shorten to . So combined the two verbs become 놔두다.

These two verbs themselves can also be used to mean 'to prepare something in advance' or (metaphorically) 'to prepare by putting something in place'.

더우니까 그냥 열어 두세요.
Just leave the window open because it is hot.
음식 냄새가 많이 나서 창문을 열어 놓았어요.
There was a lot of food smell, so (I) left the window open.
나는 지하철에 있을 때 휴대폰을 꺼 놔둬요.
(I) leave my phone turned off while on the subway.
그들은 그들 의견을 가지도록 놔두세요.
Let them have their opinions.

의견 means 'opinion about (something)'

그냥 놔두세요. 제가 치울게요.
Just leave it. I'll clean it.

놔두다 (combines 놓다 and 두다) means 'to leave'

비닐봉지에 넣어둔 과자가 없어졌어요.
The cookies (I) left in the plastic bag have gone missing.
은영이는 좋아하는 음악을 켜두고 잠이 들었어요.
Eunyoung fell asleep, leaving her favourite music on.

좋아하다 means 'to like' or 'to prefer'

양초를 켜둔 채 외출하면 안 돼요.
(You) should not go out leaving the candles lit.

양초 means 'candle'

means 'a continuing state'

켜둔 means 'in the state of being left on (burning)'

이 유리병은 손대지 말고 그대로 놓아두세요.
Leave this glass bottle untouched as it is.

손대다 means 'to touch'

means 'finger'

현우는 세영이를 남겨 놓고 방을 나갔어요.
Hyunyoung went out of the room, leaving Seyoung in the room.

남기다 means 'to leave behind'

서현이는 가방을 챙겨 놓고 잠시 외출했어요.
Seohyeon packed her bag (and left it) and went out for a moment.

외출하다 means 'to go out'

가스 불을 켜놓고 잊어버리면 위험해요.
If (you) leave the gas stove turned on, and forget, it's dangerous.
차를 세워 둔 곳이 어디예요?
Where did (you) pull over (and leave) the car?

차를 세우다 means 'to pull over a car'

책을 펴 놓고 뭘 하고 있어요?
What are (you) doing with (your) book (remaining) open?

펴다 means 'to open' or 'to spread'

제가 책장에 꽂아 놓은 책이 없어졌어요.
The book I put (and left) on the bookshelf has gone missing.

꽂다 means 'to put' when it pertains to books.

이 부분은 잘 기억해 두세요.
Keep remembering this thing. / Keep this in mind.

부분 means 'section' or 'part'

Colloquially here 부분 is 'thing'

기억하다 means 'to remember'

라면을 많이 사 뒀어요.
(I) bought a lot of ramen (in advance).

Illustrating the use of 두다 to mean to do something in advance.

수업에 가기 전에 한국어를 많이 연습해 놓으세요.
Before going to class, practice Korean (in advance) a lot.

Illustrating the use of 놓다 to mean to do something in advance.

다음 주에 좀 바쁠 것 같아서 지금 일해 두울 거예요.
(I) am going to be busy next week, so (I) will be working (in preparation) right now.

Illustrating the use of 놓다 to mean to do something in advance or in preparation.

공연을 예약해 놔서 일찍 가지 않아도 돼요.
(We) don't have to go early because (I) have booked a show.

Illustrating the use of 놓다 to mean to do something in advance or in preparation

예약하다 means 'to make a reservation' or 'to book'

이 식당이 정말 인기가 많아서 미리 예약해 둬야 돼요.
This restaurant is so popular that you need to make a reservation in advance.

Illustrating the use of 두다 to mean to do something in advance.

언제 한국에 갈지는 모르겠지만 한국어를 공부해 뒀어요.
(I) don't know when (I) will go to Korea, but (I) have been studying Korean (in preparation).

Illustrating the use of 두다 to mean to do something in advance.

지민이는 아버지 말씀을 가슴에 새겨 두었어요.
Jimin kept his father's words etched on his heart.

말씀 (honorific) means 'speech'

새기다 means 'to etch' or 'to carve'