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Korean grammar - The Narrative/Exclamation form - 다 ending

The Narrative/Exclamation form - 다 ending

So far we have been using the 'informal high' form of verbs which end in .

This form is used to address people of a higher status than the speaker.

Many other verb forms (conjugations) exist in Korean.

One such very common form is the Narrative or Exclamation form. It is used when the speaker making a remark that is not directed to a listener.

The speaker is making a remark or exclamation (perhaps to him/herself) and/or expects no response from anyone.

For descriptive verbs we use the dictionary form.

For action verbs we add /은다 to the Verb stem.

The Narrative or Exclamation can also be used in the past and future tenses:

Past tense: Action and descriptive Verb stem + //였다

Future tense: Action and descriptive Verb stem + / 것이다 or 겠다 or even 거다.

This form is common in written Korean reflecting the fact that no one in particular is being addressed directly.

아이고, 덥다!
Oh my, it's hot!

덥다 (to be hot) is a descriptive verb

An exclamation not directed at anyone

드디어 버스가 온다.
Finally the bus is coming.

오다 (to come) is an action verb

A remark to oneself expressing relief

전화 온다.
The phone is ringing.

Literally 'A phone (call) comes'

오다 (to come) is an action verb

A remark to oneself expressing mild surprise

나 지금 간다.
I'm going now.

가다 (to go) is an action verb

This could be said to someone but no response is expected

그 옷이 예쁘다.
Those clothes are pretty.

예쁘다 (to be pretty) is a descriptive verb

A remark to a friend expressing an opinion and not expecting a response

다 됐다.
All done.

되다 (to become) in the past tense

A remark to oneself perhaps of satisfaction or relief

숙제를 했다.
Homework done.

숙제하다 (to do homework) in the past tense.

저녁을 곧 먹을 것이다.
(I) will eat soon.

먹다 (to eat) in the future tense.

이거 진짜 무겁다!
This is really heavy!

무겁다 (to be heavy) is a descriptive verb. An exclamation.

오, 눈 온다.
Oh, it’s snowing.

오다 (to come) is an action verb

A remark to oneself expressing mild surprise

열쇠 어디 있어? 아, 여기 있다.
Where is the key? Ah, here (it) is.


이다 (to be) is an descriptive verb

An exclamation of relief

전화가 안돼요. 어? 다시 된다!
(My) phone doesn’t work. Hey? (It) works again.

되다 (to function) is an action verb

An exclamation of relief

그 사람 정말 키가 크다.
The person is really tall.

크다 (to be tall) is a descriptive verb

그 개는 물을 다 마셨다.
That dog drank all the water.

마시다 (to drink) is an action verb

이거 좋을 거다.
This will be good.

좋다 in the future tense

A remark to oneself perhaps of hope.

나는 내일 피자를 먹겠다
I'll eat pizza tomorrow.

먹다 (to eat) in the future tense.