Bootstrap Korean Grammar

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Korean grammar - Present tense verbs - Part II - 어요

Present tense verbs - Part II - 어요

Pattern: Verb stem + 어요

For verbs with a last vowel NOT or we add the suffix 어요 to form the present tense.

-- If the final letter of the verb stem is a consonant just add 어요.

-- If the final letter of the verb stem is then adding 어요 will mean just adding .

-- If the final letter is there will be 'vowel combination': + =

-- If the final letter is there will be 'vowel combination': + =

-- If the final letter is there will be 'vowel contraction': + =

언덕에 나무가 있어요.
On the hill there is a tree.

있다 있어요

final letter is a consonant so just add 어요

미나는 동생이 없어요.
Mina doesn't have siblings.

없다 없어요

final letter is a consonant so just add 어요

아이는 혼자 서요.
The child stands up alone.

서다 (to stand up) 서요

final letter is then adding 어요 will give 어요

혼자 means 'alone'

운전사가 기다려요.
The driver is waiting.

기다리다 (to wait) 기다려요

final letter is there will be 'vowel combination': + =

인터넷이 느려요.
The internet is slow.

느리다 (to be slow) 느려요

final letter is there will be 'vowel combination': + =

선생님이 가르쳐요.
The teacher teaches.

가르치다 (to teach) 가르쳐요

final letter is there will be 'vowel combination': + =

광일이가 배워요.
KwangIl is learning.

배우다 (to learn) 배워요

final letter is there will be 'vowel combination': + =

애완 동물이 싸워요.
The pets are fighting.

싸우다 (to fight) 싸워요

final letter is there will be 'vowel combination': + =

엄마가 줘요.
Mom gives it (to me).

주다 (to give) 줘요

final letter is there will be 'vowel combination': + =

동생이 깨워요.
Brother is waking (me) up.

깨우다 (to wake up) 깨워요

final letter is there will be 'vowel combination': + =

그 자전거는 너무 커요.
That bike is too big.

크다 (to be big) 커요

final letter is there will be 'vowel contraction': + =

아이가 써요.
The child writes.

쓰다 (to write) 써요

final letter is there will be 'vowel contraction': + =

딸기가 맛있어요.
The strawberry is delicious.

맛있다 (to be tasty, delicious) 맛있어요

final letter is a consonant so just add 어요

개가 왜 짖어요?
Why does the dog bark?

짖다 (to bark) 짖어요

final letter is a consonant so just add 어요

소녀는 읽어요.
The girl is reading.

읽다 (to read) 읽어요

final letter is a consonant so just add 어요

소년이 먹어요.
The boy is eating.

먹다 (to eat) 먹어요

final letter is a consonant so just add 어요

진수가 왜 웃어요?
Why is Jinsu laughing?

웃다 (to laugh) 웃어요

final letter is a consonant so just add 어요

한울이는 왜 울어요?
Why is Hanul crying?

울다 (to cry) 울어요

final letter is a consonant so just add 어요

이 가게가 지금 열어요?
Is this shop opening now?

열다 (to open, to be open) 열어요

final letter is a consonant so just add 어요