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Korean grammar - More Causative Verbs

More Causative Verbs

There are lots of very commonly used causative verbs in Korean.

Typically causative verbs are formed by adding one of the following syllables to the Verb stem of the passive verb: , , , , , , or .

This topic contains examples of many of the most common causative verbs.

아침 일찍 아기에게 우유를 먹여요.
Early in the morning (I) feed my baby milk.

먹다 (to eat) 먹이다 (to feed)

파리도 죽이지 마세요.
Please don't kill even a fly.

죽다 (to die) 죽이다 (to kill)

모든 사람들을 언제나 속일 수 없어요.
(You) cannot fool all the people all the time.

속다 (to be cheated) 속이다 (to cheat, to fool)

바지를 줄여야 해요.
(I) have to shorten my pants.

줄다 (to shrink, to decrease) 줄이다 (to shrink, to reduce)

저 건물을 더 높인대요?
Are (they) going to make the building higher?

높다 (to be high) 높이다 (to raise, to make tall)

마시기 위해 눈을 녹였어요.
I melted the snow to drink.

녹다 (to melt) 녹이다 (to melt)

나가기 전에 여동생에게 코트를 입혀 줬어요.
Before going out (I) put the coat on (my) little sister.

입다 (to put on (clothes)) 입히다 (to dress, to put on (someone))

이 길은 넓혀야 했어요.
This road had to be widened.

넓다 (to be wide) 넓히다 (to widen)

양배추는 너무 익히면 맛이 없어요.
Cabbage does not taste good when overcooked.

익다 (to be cooked, to become ripe) 익히다 (to cook, to make done/ripe)

수프가 너무 뜨거우면 식히세요.
If the soup is too hot, please let it cool down.

식다 (to cool down) 식히다 (to cool itself off)

도착 시간을 알려 주세요.
Please let me know the arrival time.

알다 (to know) 알리다 (to inform)

사장님에게 손님이 도착했다고 알리세요.
Let the boss know that his guest has arrived.

알다 (to know) 알리다 (to inform)

그 전쟁영화가 사람들을 울렸어요.
The war movie made people weep.

울다 (to cry, to weep) 울리다 (to make (someone) cry)

저 개가 어린이들을 살렸어요.
The dog saved the children.

살다 (to live) 살리다 (to make one live, to save)

문을 열려면 핸들을 세게 돌려야 해요.
To open the door, (you) have to turn the handle hard.

돌다 (to go around) 돌리다 (to make something turn)

수출을 이십 퍼센트 이상 늘렸어요.
(We) increased exports by more than twenty percent.

늘다 (to increase) 늘리다 (to cause increase)

그분은 친구들을 정말 잘 웃겨요.
That person makes (his) friends really have a good laugh.

웃다 (to laugh) 웃기다 (to make laugh)

누구에게 이 책임을 맡길까요?
To whom shall (I) give this responsibility?

맡다 (to take) 맡기다 (to entrust, to check)

제가 딸아이 신발을 벗겼어요.
I took off (my) daughter's shoes.

벗다 (to take off) 벗기다 (to undress, to strip)

딸아이 신발을 다시 신길까요?
Shall (I) put the shoes back on (my) daughter?

신다 (to put on shoes) 신기다 (to cause shoes to be put on)

숨기는 것이 없죠?
(You) have nothing to hide, right?

숨다 (to hide) 숨기다 (to hide, to conceal)

이제 머리를 빗겨 줄까?
How about now I comb your hair?

빗다 (to comb) 빗기다 (to comb)

엄마가 쌍둥이를 재우고 있어요.
Mother is putting the twins to sleep.

자다 (to sleep) 재우다 (to put to bed)

쌍둥이 means 'twin' or 'twins'

아침 일곱 시에 좀 깨워 주세요.
Would (you) wake me up at seven AM?

깨다 (to be awake) 깨우다 (to wake)

아버지는 세 자녀를 학교 버스에 태웠어요.
(The) father put (his) three children on the school bus.

타다 (to get on, to ride) 태우다 (to load, to put on a vehicle)l 자녀 means 'children' or 'offspring'

차를 기차역 바로 앞에서 세워주세요.
Please stop the car right in front of the train station.

서다 (to stand, to stop) 세우다 (to stop, to erect)

바로 means 'exactly' or 'precisely' or 'cleanly'

가능한 빨리 쓰레기통을 비워 주세요.
Please empty the trash can as soon as possible.

비다 (to be empty/vacant) 비우다 (to vacate, to empty)

가능한 빨리 means 'as soon as possible'

가능하다 means 'to be possible'

소금은 계란의 맛을 돋궈요.
Salt enhances the taste of eggs.

돋다 (to rise, to sprout) 돋구다 (to enhance)