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Korean grammar - Looks like, appears to be - 듯하다

Looks like, appears to be - 듯하다

Pattern: Verb stem + ()//() 듯하다

The particle (as if) can take the verb form 듯하다 and used with a verbal clause to mean 'appears to do' some action or 'appears to be' some adjective.

It can be used in all three tenses with both action and descriptive verbs:

Past tense: Verb stem + () 듯하다

Present tense: Action Verb stem + 듯하다

Present tense: Descriptive Verb stem + () 듯하다

Future tense: Verb stem + () 듯하다

In the past tense it is possible to use in place of () when recounting the past.

집에 아무도 없는 듯해요.
Seems like there is no one at home.

present tense

당장이라도 비가 올 듯해요.
It seems as though it will rain any minute now.

future tense

잠시 후에 비가 올 듯해요.
It looks like it will rain after a while.

future tense

그 아이는 곧 울 듯한 얼굴로 아버지를 바라보았어요.
The child looked at his father with a look like he is about to cry.

future tense

이제 머지않아 조현이에게서 연락이 올 듯해요.
It seems that Johyun will contact (you) soon.

future tense

올해는 겨울에 기온이 더 떨어질 듯해요.
It seems that the temperature will drop even more in winter this year.

떨어지다 means 'to fall' or 'to drop'

아무래도 제가 답을 잘못 쓴 듯해요.
It seems I wrote the wrong answer.

past tense

제가 사람을 잘못 본 듯해요.
I seem to have misunderstood (that) person (him).

past tense

비자는 삼 일 후면 나올 듯해요.
It seems like the visa will be issued within three days.

future tense

후면 is the same as 후에

세영이는 올해 시월쯤 귀국할 듯해요.
Seyoung is expected to return to his home country in around October of this year.

future tense

귀국하다 means 'to return to one's country'

이 김밥은 아무래도 상한 듯해요.
This kimbap seems to have probably gone bad.

past tense

아무래도 means 'probably'

상하다 means 'to rot' or 'to go off'

철수는 우리에게 말해주지 않을 듯해요.
It doesn't seem Chulsoo will tell us.

future tense

말해주다 means 'to tell (someone)'

민수는 먹을 것이 없었던 듯해요.
It seems that Minsu had nothing to eat.

Recounting the past so can be used in place of ()

그 강아지는 주인을 잃어버린 듯해요.
The puppy seems to have lost his owner.

past tense

그 여행은 오래 걸릴 듯해요.
It seems like the trip will take a long time.

future tense

와우, 정말 힘들 듯하네요.
Wow, that sounds really hard.

힘들다 means 'to be difficult'

선생님은 이것을 잘 모르는 듯해요.
The teacher seems not to understand this.

present tense

그가 안 간 듯해요.
It seems as though he didn’t go.

past tense

잔디가 많이 젖은 듯해요.
The grass appears to be very wet.

present tense descriptive verb

그는 회의에 늦은 듯하군요.
(I am surprised that) it appears that he is late for the meeting.

present tense descriptive verb

처음에는 긴장한 듯했어요.
(He) seemed nervous at first.

past tense

개미는 어느 곳에나 있는 듯해요.
There seem to be ants everywhere.

present tense with 있다