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Korean grammar - Guesses and intentions - 겠

Guesses and intentions - 겠

The most common use of the suffix is to express an assumption, supposition, conjecture, or guess about someone or something other than the speaker him/herself.

-- This function also includes cautiously expressing an opinion.

Using to express a guess is often done using the exclamation form (with a ending).

Because expresses uncertainty, it can be used to make a statement less direct and therefore more humble and polite.

-- So for example instead of saying 알아요 (I know) which is very direct, we can 'soften' it by saying 알겠어요 (I guess I know).

When the subject is the listener him/herself, the suffix can also be used to express (future) intention.

-- This function of is similar to but less colloquial than / 거예요.

(That) must be good.

A very common phrase expressing a guess (and envy) using the exclamation form ending.

(That) looks tasty.

Expressing a guess

(That) looks tasty.

As previous example but using the exclamation form (Verb stem + ending).

머리가 아프겠어요.
(Your) head must hurt. / It must be troublesome.

Expressing a guess

This is an idiomatic expression that would never be used to literally mean 'your head must hurt.'

(I guess that you) must be tired.

Expressing a guess

내일 눈이 오지 않겠어요.
It probably won't snow tomorrow.

Expressing a guess

(I guess) (I) know.

An indirect (and more humble) way to say 알아요 (I know)

잘 모르겠어요.
(I guess) (I) don't know.

An indirect (and more humble) way to say 몰라요 (I don't know)

여름 동안 매우 열심히 일했는데 피곤했겠어요.
You worked very hard during the summer - you must have been tired.

Expressing a guess

Past tense is formed using the Past base + 겠어요

내일은 덥겠어요.
Tomorrow is likely to be hot.

Expressing a guess

이번 주에 꼭 그 일을 끝내겠어요.
(I) am sure to finish it this week.

Expressing intention

(adverb) means 'surely' or 'regardless'

다시는 전 여자친구를 만나지 않겠어요.
(I) will never see (my) ex-girlfriend again.

Expressing intention

그만 먹겠어요.
That is all (I) will eat.

Expressing intention

저는 지금 자러 가겠어요.
I'm going to go sleep now.

Expressing intention

무슨 일이 있으면 핸드폰으로 연락하겠어요.
If something comes up, (I) will contact you on your cellphone.

Expressing intention

그 사람이 올 때까지 기다리겠어요.
(I) will wait for him until he comes.

Expressing intention

내일은 날씨가 좋겠네요.
(I guess) the weather will be nice tomorrow.

Expressing a guess

그 일은 제가 하겠어요.
(I) will do that job.

Expressing intention

수업이 벌써 끝났겠다.
The class must have already ended.

Expressing a guess

다음 주말에 저는 미국에 가겠어요.
(I) intend to go to America next weekend.

Expressing intention

금방 하겠어요?
Do (you) intend to do (it) soon?

Expressing intention

말하지 하겠어요.
(I) don't intend to say. / (I) don't intend to tell (you).

Expressing intention