Korean grammar - During or while doing something - 동안(에) |
Pattern: Verb stem + ㄴ/는 + 동안(에) Previously we saw that attaching 동안 to a noun is used to express simultaneous action (during). We can express same thing with verbs by attaching ㄴ/는 + 동안(에) to a Verb stem. Note that there is no grammatical difference between 동안에 and 동안. |
Examples: | |
어머니가 요리하는 동안 아버지가 청소를 해요.
While (my) mother is cooking, (my) father cleans the house. |
아들이 자는 동안 저는 한국어를 공부했어요.
While (my) son slept (I) studied Korean. |
동생이 텔레비전을 보는 동안 저는 숙제를 했어요.
(I) did my homework while (my) younger brother was watching TV. |
한국에서 사는 동안 좋은 친구들을 많이 만났어요.
While (I) lived in Korea, (I) made a lot of good friends. |
제가 요리하는 동안 오빠는 음악을 들었어요.
While (I) was cooking, (my) older brother listened to music |
동생이 청소하는 동안 저는 빨래를 했어요.
While (my) younger sibling was cleaning (the house), I did the laundry. |
그는 샤워를 하는 동안 음악을 들었어요.
He listened to music while he was taking a shower. |
집에 가는 동안 영어 단어를 공부했어요.
I studied English vocabulary while I was going home. |
그녀가 책을 읽는 동안 아이는 잠 들었어요.
The child fell asleep while she was reading a book. |
언니가 라디오를 듣는 동안 저는 운동을 했어요.
I exercised while my sister listened to the radio. |
제가 일하는 동안 아이는 거실에서 놀아요.
(My) kids play in the living room while I work. |
친구가 수업을 듣는 동안 저는 카페에서 커피를 마셨어요.
I had coffee in a cafe while (my) friend was in class. |
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