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Korean grammar - Because, so - when expressing commands - (으)니까

Because, so - when expressing commands - (으)니까

Verb form + ()니까

The Verb ending ()니까 is used to give reasons for an command, request, proposals or evocation.

-- This ending is similar to ~/어서 (because, so). But ~/어서 should not be used with commands etc.

The ending ()니까 often expresses a sense of disappointment or annoyance, often an excuse as to why something cant be done or why something should be done to avoid a negative outcome.

It is commonly used with the ()ㄹ까요? (shall we?) and ()ㅂ시다 (let's) endings.

친구들이 기다리니까 빨리 갑시다.
(Our) friends are waiting, so let’s go quickly.
날씨가 추우니까 따뜻한 옷을 입으세요.
The weather is cold, so please wear warm clothes.
너무 배고프니까, 식당으로 가서 밥 먹을까요?
(I) am so hungry, so shall (we) go to the restaurant and eat?
날씨가 더워지니까 오늘은 집에서 노세요.
Since the weather is getting hotter, please play at home today.
밖에 눈이 오니까 시켜 먹을까요?
Since it’s snowing outside, shall (we) eat home delivery?
시간이 늦어지니까 서두릅시다.
It's getting late, so let's hurry.
비가 오니까 우산을 챙기세요.
It's raining, so bring an umbrella.
날씨가 건조하니까 산불 조심하세요.
Be careful of wildfires as the weather is dry.
오늘 비가 많이 오니까 만나지 맙시다.
It's raining a lot today, so let's not meet.
제가 잘못했으니까 사과할게요.
I was wrong, so (I) apologize.

사과하다 means 'to apologise'

버스에 사람이 많으니까 걸어 갑시다.
There are many people on the bus, so let's walk.
한국말을 잘 모르니까 천천히 말씀하세요.
(I) don't know Korean well, so please speak slowly.
날씨가 추우니까 사우나에 갈까요?
The weather is cold so shall (we) go to the sauna?
밖에 눈이 오니까 시켜 먹을까요?
It's snowing outside, so shall (I) order something to eat?

시켜 먹다 means 'to order in'

시간이 있으니까 그냥 버스를 탑시다.
(We) have time, so let's just take the bus.
어제 많이 쉬었으니까 오늘은 열심히 합시다.
Yesterday (we) rested a lot, so let's work hard today.