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Korean grammar - Background information - (으)ㄴ/는데

Background information - (으)ㄴ/는데

The connector /는데 is used to provide background information.

The information can either supportive or contrastive (like 'even though')

-- When contrastive it is less emphatic than 지만 (but) and is used to set up (provide background information for) the clause that follows.

It's present tense for depends on the type of verb:

Description Verb stem + ()ㄴ데

Action Verb stem + 는데

In the past tense use Verb stem + 는데 for both description and action verbs.

The verbs 있다 (to exist) and 없다 (to not exist) are considered adjectives (description verbs) and always take 는데.

한국어책을 사고 싶은데, 어디에서 팔아요?
(I) want to buy a Korean book — where do (they) sell (them)?

싶다 (to want) is a descriptive verb 싶은데

그 옷은 가격이 비싼데 어떻게 사겠어요?
The clothes are expensive — how could (I) buy (them)?

비싸다 (to be expensive) is a descriptive verb 비싼데

내용이 좀 어려운데, 다시 한번 말씀해주세요.
The content is difficult — please explain it again.

어렵다 (to be difficult) is a descriptive verb 어려운데

오늘 좀 바쁜데 내일 만날까요?
(I) am a little bit busy today — can we meet tomorrow?

바쁘다 (to be difficult) is a descriptive verb 바쁜데

점심시간인데, 식당에서 먹을까요?
It's lunchtime — shall (we) eat at the restaurant?

이다 (to be) is a descriptive verb 인데

문제가 없을 것 같은데 혹시 문제가 생기면 전화해 주세요.
There doesn't seem there will be a problem — if a problem comes up, call (me).

같다 (to be the same) is a descriptive verb 같은데

구두를 사려고 하는데 추천 좀 해주세요.
(I) intend to buy shoes — please recommend some.

사려고 하다 (to intend to buy) is an action verb 사려고 하는데

질문이 있는데 이 일을 언제까지 해야 되나요?
(I) have a question — until when do (we) have to finish this work?

있다 (to have, to exist) is an descriptive verb but in this case 있는데

시간이 없는데, 내일 해도 돼요?
(I) don't have time (now) — can (I) do it tomorrow?

없다 (to not have, to not exist) is an descriptive verb but in this case 없는데

김치는 맛이 있는데, 좀 짜요.
Kimchi tastes good — it's a bit salty.

맛이 있다 (to be tasty) is an descriptive verb but because of the 있다 맛이 있는데

그녀는 학생이었는데 지금은 실업자예요.
She used to be a student — now (she) is unemployed.

있다 (to have, to exist) in past tense 이었는데

어제는 따뜻했는데 오늘은 좀 쌀쌀해요.
It was warm yesterday — it is chilly today.

따뜻하다 (to be warm) in past tense 따뜻했는데

지금 점심 먹으러 갈 건데 같이 갈까요?
(I) am going to eat lunch now — shall (we) go together?

(future, will) here is treated as descriptive 건데

텔레비전 켜도 되는데 같이 영화 볼까요?
(We) may turn on the TV — shall (we) watch a movie together?

켜도 되는데 (may turn on) is an action verb 켜도 되는데

날씨가 좋은데 산에 갈까요?
The weather is nice — shall (we) go to the mountains?

좋다 (to be nice) os an descriptive verb and present tense 좋은데

인도에 가려고 했는데 코로나 때문에 못 갔어요.
(I) intended to go to India but couldn't go because of Corona virus.

가려고 하다 (to intend to go) is an action verb and past tense 가려고 했는데