Bootstrap Korean Grammar

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Korean grammar - At the time of, when, during - (으)ㄹ 때

At the time of, when, during - (으)ㄹ 때

Pattern: Verb form + ()

The Verb ending () denote simultaneous actions.

-- Recall that we previous used 동안() to say 'during' a noun.

Attaching itself to a noun is also possible but there are only a limited number of nouns for which this is done colloquially. 동안에 (during) is usually better with nouns.

시간이 없을 때 자주 햄버거를 먹어요.
When (I) don't have time (I) often eat hamburger.
대학생이었을 때 보통 늦게 일어났어요.
When (I) was a university student, (I) usually wake up late.

대학생 is an abbreviation of 대학교 학생

저는 운전할 때 음악을 듣는 것을 좋아해요.
I like listening to music when driving.
미국에 살았을 때 영어를 배웠어요.
When (I) was living in USA, (I) learned English.
밖에서 놀았을 때 날씨가 좋았어요.
When (we) were playing outside, the weather was good.
오늘 밤 자러 갈 때 눈이 오고 있을 거예요.
It will be snowing when (I) go to bed tonight.

자러 가다 means 'to go at sleep' or 'to go to bed'

시간이 없을 때 종종 맥도날드에서 식사를 해요.
When (I) don't have time, (I) sometimes eat at McDonalds.

종종 means 'sometimes'

대학생이었을 때 보통 늦게 일어났어요.
When (I) was a college student, (I) usually woke up late.
밖에서 놀았을 때, 날씨가 좋았어요.
When we played outside, the weather was nice.
저는 선생님이지만 어렸을 때 학교 가기 싫었어요.
I'm a teacher, but when (I) was young, (I) didn't want to go to school.
요리를 할 때 친구와 이야기를 나눴어요.
When (I) was cooking, (I) was talking with a friend.
우리 할아버지가 젊었을 때 한국에서 전쟁이 시작되었어요.
The war started in Korea when our grandfather was young.

In Korean it is more common to say 'our grandfather' (or mother, father etc.) than to say 'my grandfather'

그녀가 노래를 부르기 시작했을 때, 모든 사람들은 깜짝 놀랐어요.
When she started singing a song, (it) surprised everyone.

깜짝 means 'flinch' or 'movement of one body when surprised'

놀라다 means 'to be surprised'

깜짝 놀라다 means 'to be very surprised' or 'to be startled'

일본어를 잘 할 수 있을 때 일본에 같이 F664!
When (you) can speak Japanese, let's go to Japan together.
바쁘지 않을 때 전화해요.
Call when (you) are not busy.
캐나다에 있는 동안 새 컴퓨터를 살 거예요.
While (I) am in Canada (I) will buy a new computer.
운전할 때 휴대전화를 사용하면 안 되잖아요.
As you know, (you) can't use (your) cell phone while driving.

휴대전화 means 'cell phone' or 'mobile phone'

열여덟 살 때 첫 데이트를 했어요.
(I) went for the (my) first date when (I) was eighteen.

means 'first' or 'initial'

데이트를 하다 means 'to have a date'

그 컴퓨터는 작동을 시작할 때 삐 하는 소리가 나요?
Does the computer (say) beep when it starts up?

With the noun 시작 (start)

영화를 보고 있었을 때 전화벨이 울렸어요.
While (we) were watching the movie, the phone rang.

With the noun 영화 (movie)

방학 때 아르바이트를 해요.
(I) work part-time during the school holidays.

With the noun 방학 (school holidays)

방학 means 'school holiday'

일곱 살 때 사진이에요.
This is a picture (of me) when (I) was seven years old.

With the noun 시작 (start)

한국에서는 추석 때 모든 가족이 한자리에 모여요.
In Korea, the whole family gathers in one place during Chuseok.

With the noun 추석 (Chuseok)

한자리 means 'one place'

모이다 means 'to gather together'